Registration is Closed
/ about
THE COURAGE TO BE ME is the 3rd annual Queer & Trans Al-Anon Day of Recovery Everywhere (QT ADORE), a full virtual day of speakers, workshops, panels, fellowship, and more. This event is sponsored by Young People of Color AFG (District 16, Global Electronic Area).
QT ADORE has one primary purpose: to share the experience, strength and hope of Al-Anon members who identify as trans, queer, lesbian, gay, bisexual, non-binary, genderqueer, intersex and gender non-conforming in order to help one another in Al-Anon. All are welcome here. We seek to be a safe space for people of any age, race, ethnicity, class, religion, spirituality, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, presentation, size, and disability. As in Al-Anon, the only requirement for attendance is a problem of alcoholism in a loved one or friend. Anyone who has been affected by someone else’s drinking is welcome!
and more!
Content for our October 5th event is currently being planned. A full schedule of events with session descriptions and times will be emailed prior to the event to all participants who are registered.
Sponsorship: Supporting My Recovery with a Sponsor
Transitioning in Al-Anon: Embracing my Authentic Self
A Panel on Gratitude: Appreciating What I Have While Creating a Life I Love
Newcomer Q&A Panel: Discovering My Program
Queerness & Spirituality: Finding My Way
Chosen Family: Intimacy Outside of Romance
/ contact
For additional information, email us at